Contact your GP Integration Unit

We welcome your feedback, suggestions or complaints.

The Southern Adelaide Local Health Network (SALHN) GP Integration Unit work across all SALHN health sites and our base of operations is located in Marion GP Plus.

SALHN GP Integration Unit

The GPIU will endeavour to respond to requests in a timely manner, but a response may take up to two business days.

Phone: 0401 152 366
Email: (Monitored Monday  Thursday)

A handy GP Information Fact Sheet (PDF 333KB) has also been developed, specifically for general practitioners, to assist with useful contact numbers, as well as urgent and after hours service information.

If urgent patient information is required, requests should be placed to the:

  • treating team for clinical enquiries - page the clinical team via FMC switchboard, phone (08) 8204 5511
  • SALHN Out of Hospital (OOH) Nurses for support in navigating urgent and after hours services, phone 0481 902 546, 7 days a week, 8.00am to 4.00pm (hours may vary depending on staff availability)
  • Release of Information Clerk (in FMC Medical Records) *Previously GP Liaison Officer for clinical information requests, eg discharge summaries, clinic letters phone (08) 8204 6040, fax (08) 8204 3964, email
  • GP Referral Hotline for administrative information on referrals (eg confirming a referral has been received, triaged, or appointed). Please wait 48 hours after sending the referral before calling, unless the referral is urgent.

Accessing patient results online and by phone


SA Pathology iPath or phone (08) 8222 3000 (option 1)

To set up an iPath account or to update your current profile, please contact the SA Pathology Marketing team on (08) 8222 3355 or email Further information: SA Pathology website.

Note: This includes the ability to search for patients results that you did not request and were not copied in to, including results available in the public hospital system.

Imaging – Flinders Medical Centre / Repat

SA Medical Imaging SAMIView or phone (08) 7117 2555 (FMC), phone (08) 7117 2500 (Repat)

To access SAMIView, please complete the SAMIView External referrer Access Form and send it to

Note: 'Medical Specialist – optional additional access' can be requested (second page of the form) to have unlimited access to patient diagnostic image and reports for patients you provide care for.

Further information - SAMI Results and Image Access page

Imaging - Noarlunga Hospital

Use Benson Connect / InteleViewer or phone (08) 8416 6400.
To apply for a Benson Connect account, please visit the Request an account page.
For Benson Connect support, please call 1800 776 504 or visit Benson Radiology online.

Other GP Liaison Units

For feedback, complaints or suggestions related to other Local Health Networks, please contact their respective GP Liaison units.

Information on all the units is also available on the HealthPathwaysSA - 'General Practice Liaison Service' page (obtain a login)

Central Adelaide Local Health Network

General Practice Integration Unit CALHN
Phone: (08) 7133 9995

Subscribe to the CALHN GP Integration Unit newsletter so you can stay up to date with news and other information from Central Adelaide LHN.

Northern Adelaide Local Health Network

General Practice Liaison Unit NALHN

Phone: 0466 511 534
Subscribe to the NALHN GP Integration Unit newsletter so you can stay up to date with news and other information from Northern Adelaide LHN.

Women's and Children's Hospital Network

GP Liaison and Integration Unit (GPLIU)

iApply GP Survey