Professional development and training
Borderline Personality Disorder Collaborative (BPD Co) training and professional development program is designed to support capacity and capability building across the South Australian workforce in the provision of hopeful, compassionate, evidence-based, recovery-oriented health care for consumers with BPD or emerging BPD and their carers.
BPD Co offer a range of regular training and learning development opportunities for the South Australian mental health workforce and for professionals providing services alongside these mental health services. Our workshops are delivered; either face to face, or online via Microsoft Teams.
BPD Co, where capacity exists, can respond to bespoke service requests for training, please contact the training coordinator to discuss and request a quote.
Workshop details including course content, learning objectives, target audience and confirmed dates are contained in the calendar/flyers below. Follow the link on the calendar to register.
BPD Co. training calendar January to June 2025 (PDF 299KB)
GPM training calendar 2025 (PDF 230KB)
Training for professionals
- Responding to crises associated with BPD – half day
- Caring for people with BPD in the inpatient setting – half day
- Foundation Skills for working with people with BPD training – one day
- Gold Card SA - brief intervention training – one day
- BPD Core Competencies workshop – two days
- Good Psychiatric Management for BPD (GPM) – one day
- Good Psychiatric Management for Adolescents (GPM-A) – one day
GPM group supervision
BPD Collaborative GPM trainers and supervisors are endorsed by the Gunderson Personality Disorder Institute, having being trained and mentored by Dr Lois Choi-Kain. BPD Co offers a range of group supervision opportunities to support clinicians who have completed GPM training to support the implementation of GPM in their clinical practice. If you are interested in joining an upcoming supervision group please contact BPD Co.
Information sessions for professionals
Introduction to BPD Collaborative – the one-hour online information sessions for professionals provides an introduction to BPD Collaborative and an overview of the Statewide Model of Care for BPD, service options for consumers and carers, and training and research programs. Dates for 2025 will be available soon.
Prices vary depending on the workshop, see the 2025 BPD Co training calendar (PDF 299KB) and 2025 GPM training calendar (PDF 230KB) for costs. We aim to keep the charges for training to a minimum using a cost recovery model. Please note there is a reduced rate for SA Health staff, please ensure you register with your SA Health e-mail address.
Information sessions and groups for consumers and carers
- BPD Co offer a range of peer lead programs for consumers with a lived experience of BPD, for information, dates and to register for peer-led activities see the eventbrite peer collection for information about the 10 week peer group please contact duty worker on (08) 7425 6500 or email health.bpdservice@sa.gov.au.
- BPD Co offer a range of peer lead carer programs for family, friends and partners who provide support in a voluntary capacity to those experiencing BPD. For details, confirmed dates and to register see the eventbrite carer collection.
Enquiries: (08) 7425 6500 or health.bpdadmin@sa.gov.au.