Leaving a NALHN site


Discharge Planning is an important part of any hospital admission. It plays an important role in ensuring a smooth move from hospital to home. This is achieved by making sure that appropriate clinical and community-based supports are in place if required.

Hospital Discharge time is usually before 11.00 am. Planning to leave the hospital before 11.00 am enables you to return home in a timely fashion and enables the bed to be prepared for the next person.

Find out more about discharge planning and criteria led discharge at Lyell McEwin and Modbury Hospitals.


At the Northern Adelaide Local Health Network, we believe: Everyone has a story. Everyone matters. Everyone contributes. Everyone grows.

These values are at the heart of our organisation and inform our culture and how we work. This is why we need to hear from you. The feedback can be in the form of a compliment or complaint.

You can provide feedback to the NALHN Consumer Engagement Service on 1300 013 988 and leave a message or send an email to NALHNCAS@sa.gov.au. 


Please plan ahead and make arrangements for your trip home, if you are well enough to travel by car or public transport. Patients can only leave hospital by ambulance if it is medically indicated.

Find out more about transport options from each of NALHNs sites and services.