Safety and Quality Programs
The Safety and Quality Programs are aligned to the Australian Safety and Quality Framework for Health Care.
Australian Safety and Quality Framework for Health Care
The Australian Safety and Quality Framework for Health Care describes a vision for safe and high-quality care for all Australians and sets out the actions needed to achieve this vision. There are three core principles for safe and high-quality care. These are care that is:
- consumer centred
- driven by information
- organised for safety.
Programs are aligned to the Australian Safety and Quality Framework for Health Care
A number of the Safety and Quality programs are aligned to the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (second edition), the accreditation standard for assessment after January 2019.
- Standard 1. Clinical Governance
- Standard 2. Partnering with Consumers
- Standard 3. Preventing and Controlling Healthcare-Associated Infection
- Standard 4. Medication Safety
- Standard 5. Comprehensive Care
- Clinical governance and quality improvement to support comprehensive care
- Developing the comprehensive care plan
- Delivering comprehensive care
- Comprehensive care at the end of life
- Minimising patient harm
- Preventing and managing pressure injuries
- Preventing falls and harm from falls
- Nutrition and hydration
- Preventing delirium and managing cognitive impairment
- Predicting, preventing and managing self-harm and suicide
- Predicting, preventing and managing (Challenging Behaviour)
- Minimising restrictive practices: restraint and seclusion
- Standard 6. Communicating for Safety
- Clinical governance and quality improvement to support effective communication
- Patient identification and procedure matching
- Surgical team safety checklist
- Communication at clinical handover
- TeamSTEPPS® 2.0
- Communication of critical information, alerts
- Documentation of information
- Standard 7. Blood Management
- Standard 8. Recognising and responding to acute deterioration
- Physiological deterioration
- Deterioration in mental state
- Consumer initiated escalation of care
Contact information
Safety and Quality Unit