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Department for Health and Wellbeing Annual Report 2018-19
The Chief Executive of the department established an Audit and Risk Committee (the committee) with external membership to support and advise the Chief Executive with discharging his risk management, audit and assurance responsibilities.
The committee meets every second month and regularly receives risk management reports and presentations from risk owners, as well as audit reports from both the Auditor-General’s office and the department’s internal audit function.
The department developed and implemented a Risk Management Policy and Internal Audit Charter to guide its risk and audit activities.
No reports of fraud or corruption were investigated within the department during the period under review.
Note: Fraud reported includes actual and reasonably suspected incidents of fraud.
The department regularly assess its exposure to the risk of fraud and corruption and reports on those activities. These strategies are captured in the Fraud and Corruption Control Policy and supporting plans.
Strategies implemented to control and prevent fraud data for previous years is available at DataSA
The department did not receive any whistle-blower reports during the period under review that pertained to the activities or staff employed by the department.
Whistle-blowers data for previous years is available at DataSA