2018-19 Annual Report (DHW Annual Report 2018 - 19)


Hon Stephen Wade MLC

Minister for Health and Wellbeing

This annual report will be presented to Parliament to meet the statutory reporting requirements of the Public Sector Act 2009, the Public Sector Regulations 2010 and the Public Finance and Audit Act 1987; and the requirements of Premier and Cabinet Circular PC013 Annual Reporting.

This report is verified to be accurate for the purposes of annual reporting to the Parliament of South Australia.

Submitted on behalf of the Department for Health and Wellbeing by:

Dr Christopher McGowan
Chief Executive
Signed: 30/09/2019

From the Chief Executive

The Department for Health and Wellbeing (the department) as system leader is committed to supporting the South Australian public health system to achieve success. In 2018-19, the department underwent a review to ensure it is best placed to perform its roles and functions and devolve service delivery as close to the consumer as appropriate.

A key reform to the wider SA Health governance was to establish Local Health Network Governing Boards, accountable for overseeing local health service delivery. The department supported the establishment of the Governing Boards and commenced the transfer of centralised functions to Local Health Networks. This transition to a devolved model at the local level will facilitate health service decision-making better tailored to local needs and deliver a safe, high quality and financially sustainable health system into the future.

This rebalancing of the public health system will also place a greater focus on prevention and early intervention. Wellbeing SA is being established to oversee community-wide health and prevention services for all South Australians. It will lead innovative system change to embed prevention across the life course and disease continuum, and to reduce the preventable burden of disease. Wellbeing SA will support people to improve physical, mental and social wellbeing and lead healthier lives.

Another key priority is to rebalance the health system in South Australia in a way that represents the needs of the community, delivers the highest standards of safe and quality care and is financially sustainable. An important part of this work will be the establishment of the Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health. The Commission will provide leadership and advice on clinical best practice, maximising health outcomes, improving care and safety, monitoring performance, championing evidence-based practice and clinical innovation, and supporting clinical collaboration.

This rebalancing has brought a change of focus for the department in its system leadership role. Internal realignment has occurred in light of responsibilities to be devolved and the new entities being created. Combining strategy, structure, governance and explicit culture setting, we look forward to building a new operating model to achieve high performance across the system.

Dr Christopher McGowan
Chief Executive