Healthcare infection prevention governance

At the local level South Australian hospitals each have a nominated person or team with responsibility for infection prevention and control who reports to an Infection Control Committee or other Clinical Governance committee within each Local Health Network.

The strategic oversight of infection prevention and control strategies and priorities at the state level occurs via subject matter expert groups which are administered by the Infection Control Service of the Communicable Disease Control Branch, except where indicated.

South Australian Infection Reference Group (SAIRG)

The SAIRG serves as the peak advisory body to SA Health on healthcare infection prevention strategies and consists of representative infectious disease specialist physicians, medical scientists, infection prevention and control coordinators from each of the Local Health Networks, a SA Pathology representative, the Director of Communicable Disease Control Branch and representatives from the SA Health Infection Control Service.

SA Health Reprocessing of Reusable Medical Devices Reference Group (SARG)

The SARG provides a forum for matters relating to reprocessing of reusable medical devices (RMDs) including high level disinfection in Central Sterile Supply Departments (CSSD) and other sites including endoscopy units, medical imaging and other satellite sites that reprocess RMDs. The Reference Group supports the implementation of the reusable medical device reprocessing standard AS5369:2023 and the Gastroenterological Society of Australia (GESA) Infection Control in Endoscopy Guidelines in SA Health facilities across metropolitan and regional local health networks (LHN). The Committee provides a forum to share learning and resources to support the implementation of standard AS5369 and to escalate or obtain consensus advice on reprocessing challenges.

For advice on reprocessing or reusable medical devices, contact the Sterilising and Reusable Medical Device Reprocessing State Coordinator via the SA Health Infection Control Service.

South Australian Network of Infection Control Teams (SANIT)

& incorporating Non-acute Infection Control Special Interest Group (NICSIG)

SANIT incorporates the Non-Acute Infection Control Special Interest Group (NICSIG) consisting of Infection Control Professionals, scientists and other disciplines from acute and non-acute South Australian healthcare and/or residential care facilities (RCF) and agencies (both public and private / acute and non-acute) that have a mutual interest in the prevention and surveillance / monitoring of health care associated infections.

Participation in SANIT is on a voluntary basis.

Working relationships

SA Health's Infection Control Service also has close working relationships with the following bodies:



Further information

For further information on any of these groups, contact SA Health's Infection Control Service.