Chief Nurse and Midwifery Officer

Jennifer Hurley is SA Health's Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer.

The Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer at SA Health is the professional link between the Minister, the Chief Executive, and the nursing and midwifery workforce across SA Health. The Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer provides high level advice and leadership on nursing and midwifery professional, workforce and policy matters.


The Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer is responsible for the provision of professional leadership, advice and broad direction on a diverse range of nursing and midwifery issues including but not limited to:

  • strategic thinking, planning and partnering
  • person centred care and practice
  • nursing and midwifery attraction, recruitment and retention
  • workforce planning and reform
  • education, training and professional development
  • collaborative partnerships
  • nursing and midwifery informatics
  • legislation, regulation and policy development
  • quality and safety standards
  • research development
  • marketing and promotion.

About Jennifer Hurley

Jennifer’s nursing and midwifery career is diverse, having worked in a range of clinical, managerial and project leadership roles in South Australia, interstate and internationally in regional, metropolitan and sub-acute settings.

Jennifer commenced her nursing and midwifery career at Broken Hill & District Hospital, NSW, completing her general nursing training program, and Paediatrics at the Royal Children’s Hospital, Victoria and Midwifery at the Queen Victoria Hospital, South Australia. Jennifer has completed Bachelor of Health Science (Charles Sturt University) and Masters in Health Administration (Flinders University) and is a recipient of the SA Premier’s Scholarship in 2008.

Jennifer values the care, compassion and commitment of the State’s 33,000 nurses and midwives working within public, public and aged care sectors and their commitment to providing and ensuring safe, effective person-centred care and outcomes for all South Australians.

Jennifer is an advocate for evidence-informed practice, and believes that the development of a workplace culture and environment that inspires person-centred focused, safe, effective, and compassionate care relies on strong nursing and midwifery leadership at every level, in every setting.

Jennifer represents and promotes the interests of nursing and midwifery in SA nationally and internationally through membership of the Australian and New Zealand Council of Chief Nurses (ANZCCN).

More information

Visit the Nursing and Midwifery Office page.

General enquiries

Phone: (08) 8226 0749