Chief Medical Officer

SA Health’s Chief Medical Officer is Dr Michael Cusack. 

The Chief Medical Officer provides state-wide advice on medical-related matters to the Minister for Health and Wellbeing, the Chief Executive of the Department of Health and Wellbeing.

The Chief Medical Officer oversees the public presentation of medical advice and provides high level advice and leadership on medical professional, research, workforce and policy matters across SA Health, including but not limited to:

  • Critical medical liaison with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency on professional issues including the translation of Medical Board policies into SA Health.
  • Partnerships and liaison with relevant medical colleges on training for speciality trainees within the South Australian public health system and private health systems. Focused on the needs of the future workforce.
  • Overseeing South Australian Medical Education and Training, focusing on world-class prevocational and postgraduate medical training across South Australia.
  • Representation of South Australia at national and international meetings of relevance to the medical profession and South Australia.
  • Strategic liaison with the University of Adelaide and Flinders University over the development of undergraduate medical education within South Australia.

The CMO has played a critical role in support of the COVID-19 pandemic, with Dr Michael Cusack operationally leading acute hospital and vaccination streams.

