This site contains the South Australian Clinical Prioritisation Criteria (CPC) for most frequently referred pain management conditions.
Pain management conditions
Please note this is not an exhaustive list of all conditions for outpatient services and does not exclude consideration for referral unless specifically stipulated in the pain management exclusions section.
Out of scope
Not all medical conditions are covered by the CPC, as certain conditions may be considered out of scope or managed by other specialist services:
- Chronic pain (paediatric)
- Hypermobility, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), Ehlers-Danos Syndrome (EDS)
- Osteoporosis and Metabolic Bone Disease – refer to Endocrinology
- Neuromuscular Disorders and Peripheral Neuropathy - refer to Neurology
- Rheumatological conditions – refer to Rheumatology
- Restless legs
Pain management exclusions for public specialist outpatient services
Not all pain management conditions are appropriate for referral into the South Australian public health system. The following are not routinely provided in a public specialist outpatient service:
- conditions which have not been previously treated in a primary care setting
- patients who can be well managed in primary care, using appropriate guidelines where necessary
- indefinite referrals
- active work cover claims – consider referral to a private pain physician
- patient has not consented to the referral and is not willing to engage in a multi-disciplinary program with guidance towards self-management
- patients with a cognitive impairment of sufficient severity that would affect the ability to self-manage their condition unless they have a carer, that is willing and able to assist with pain management recommendations
- validation of an opioid prescription (e.g., second opinion for ongoing opioid prescription without intention to wean) - see Statement regarding the use of opioid analgesics in patients with chronic non-cancer
- active substance use disorder, for example not in remission and unstable – refer to Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia (DASSA)
- management of acute mental health issues requiring urgent or crisis care
- acute or sub-acute non-specific spinal pain (less than six months)
- pain that has lasted less than three months, in paediatric patients
- previous Pain Management Unit (PMU) patients who:
- have not followed management recommendations unless there are extenuating circumstances or new issues
- have completed the pain management pathway/programs and for whom no new management approaches are available, within previous 24 months
- for the purpose of a third-party assessment - Return to Work SA, Disability Support, Medico-Legal, National Disability Insurance Service (NDIS), Workcover/Allianz (except drug trials with prior approval)
- patients undergoing treatment from other specialist services for the same pain problem without mutual awareness/agreement of cross referral by both teams
- request for medicinal cannabis education, trial and endorsement - refer to Faculty of Pain Medicine ANZCA Position Statement on Medicinal Cannabis with particular reference to its use in the management of patients with chronic non-cancer pain and Medicinal Cannabis – Patient access in South Australia
- ketamine infusion for the purpose on continuing a private stand alone off-label therapy or endorsement thereof - refer to Faculty of pain Medicine ANZCA Position Statement on the use of ketamine in the management of chronic and non-chronic cancer pain
- Public pain clinics do not routinely offer appointments to patients seeking a second opinion for a condition already seen by the same speciality within the same of another Local Health Network, with the exception of patients who have moved to a new catchment area or patients transferring from paediatric health services due to their age. Such referrals will be considered but are highly unlikely to be accepted. Alternatively, a referral can be made to a private pain specialist.
Emergency information
See the individual condition pages for more specific emergency information.
We welcome requests for further information or feedback on the CPC and website, please refer to the relevant form below.
Please email the completed form to
The Pain Management (adult and paediatric) CPC is due for review within 5 years or as clinically indicated.
Evidence statement
For a copy of the evidence statement, please email