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Our Aboriginal Culture and History Handbook presents background information on Aboriginal culture, history and demographics
Aboriginal people experience more life risk factors, poorer health and less acceptable outcomes in a range of life areas when compared to other South Australians. As a result Aboriginal people are among the most disadvantaged population groups in the community.
SA Health is working to address the health inequities faced by Aboriginal people, reducing the gap in health outcomes between South Australia’s Aboriginal people and the rest of South Australia’s population.
Some of SA Health’s key objectives in improving the health of Aboriginal people include:
To do this SA Health will:
For information about health services for Aboriginal people in metropolitan and country areas of South Australia go to our Aboriginal Health services page.
This section features resources that are designed to increase understanding of matters relating to Aboriginal health and wellbeing. They are useful background reading for staff looking to improve their knowledge of Aboriginal culture, history, and health.
Guide for Engaging with Aboriginal People (PDF 531KB) - This guide assists staff to conduct Aboriginal stakeholder and community engagement. It is designed to be useful preparatory reading before Aboriginal engagement is organised and commenced. The Guide provides information about possible ways to engage Aboriginal people in a range of contexts in a culturally respectful and effective manner.
SA Health Aboriginal Culture and History Handbook (PDF 759KB) - This handbook presents background information on Aboriginal history, culture, demography and current affairs. This handbook is useful background reading to help staff understand Aboriginal health and wellbeing and access to services.
Reading these resources is strongly encouraged for staff completing an Aboriginal Health Impact Statement or Checklist of Best Practice Program Development for Aboriginal Health.
The Department for Health and Wellbeing offers an Aboriginal Health Scholarship Program in partnership with Australian Rotary Health. To learn about the application process, visit the scholarship page.
Email: health.aboriginalhealthenquiries@sa.gov.au