Telehealth for mental health

Initially implemented to support mental health consultations, the SA Digital Telehealth Network has introduced video conferencing units across various regional local health network locations, allowing remote-based consumers to communicate with clinicians across the state.

The SA Digital Telehealth Network allows country consumers to access timely and reliable mental health services akin to metropolitan consumers.

Emergency mental health consultation process

In an emergency situation, telephone the Emergency Triage and Liaison Service on 13 14 65.

Process for telehealth consultations

If you are a GPs wanting to utilise telehealth, please:

  1. Complete the Referral for Telepsychiatry Assessment Form (PDF 36KB). Include any additional information such as:
  • results from routine screening or scans
  • name of nominated clinician attending with the consumer
  1. Submit the completed form to the Telepsychiatry Coordinator by fax to (08) 7087 1630. Your referral will be triaged and the Telepsychiatry Coordinator will contact to arrange a suitable time.
  2. Book the local video conferencing unit by contacting your local video conferencing site contact.
  3. On the day of the consultation:
  • check the video conferencing unit is turned on
  • the psychiatrist will dial into the local unit
  • provide a copy of the Digital Telehealth Network for country mental health services brochure (PDF 292KB) to the consumer
  • Discuss the process with the consumer and confirm the information is understood.
  1. The psychiatrist will provide you with a copy of the report.

Further information

For further information on Digital Telehealth Network, email, or refer to the following web pages: