Visit Whyalla Hospital
Visitors play an important part in any patient's hospital stay, and visitors are welcome.
Due to COVID-19, changes to services, visiting hours and visitor access now apply.
Please note:
- Please obtain permission to visit from the nurse.
- All visitors to the High Dependency Unit must ring the bell and ask for permission to visit.
- Food, sweets and drinks for patients must be checked with the nurse, as many patients are on special diets.
- To avoid inconvenience to other patients, only two people may visit each patient at any one time.
- Please show consideration for patients by behaving quietly, and observing restrictions on visiting,
- Visiting children are the responsibility of their parent or adult carer and should be supervised at all times. Please keep noise to a minimum.
- Furniture is placed to ensure rapid access to rooms in emergencies. This also means that seating for visitors is restricted.