Visit Lyell McEwin Hospital

Visitors play an important part in any patient’s hospital stay and are welcome. Visitors are encouraged to visit within the following times:

  • General wards: 10:00 am to 8:00 pm daily.

Women and Children’s services

The health and wellbeing of the birthing family and their newborn baby is of paramount importance. We acknowledge hospitals can be a place of great joy for some and anxiety for others.

Support people are critical to health and wellbeing but due to space and other considerations, the following restrictions apply for the safety of mothers, babies, children, visitors and staff.

The following visiting arrangements are in place for Northern Adelaide Local Health Network's (NALHN’s) Women and Children’s services at Lyell McEwin Hospital:

Outpatient Services

  • One support person can be present.
  • For paediatric appointments, up to two (2) carers may attend.

Women’s Assessment

  • One support person can be present.

Birthing Suite

  • Maximum of three (3) support people during labour, birth, and the immediate postnatal period.

Women’s Health Unit

  • Quiet time 8:00 am to 11 :00 am: Two (2) people can visit. No children during this period.
  • Visiting hours 11:00 am to 8:00 pm: A maximum of three (3) people can be present at one time.

Special Care Nursery

  • Parents and siblings are welcome any time.
  • A maximum of two (2) additional visitors may visit between 11:00 am – 1:00 pm, and between 3:00 pm and 8:00 pm. Please always discuss your plans with the person you wish to visit before attending.

At all times, space must be available at the bedside to allow staff safe access to patients and equipment. In some instances, staff may ask visitors to leave the room so that they can provide vital care.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these arrangements please discuss them with your midwife or doctor at your next visit.

Visiting considerations

All visitors to the hospital must note:

  • visiting is at the discretion of nursing and midwifery staff, from whom permission should first be obtained
  • please check food, sweets and drinks for patients with the nursing and midwifery staff, as many patients are on special diets
  • please consider patients in the hospital, by behaving quietly and observing any restrictions on visitation made for the benefit of the patient
  • visiting children are the responsibility of their parent or adult carer and must be supervised at all times while in the hospital, and noise kept to a minimum
  • furniture is placed to ensure rapid access to rooms in emergencies. For this reason, seating for visitors is limited.