Charity and community groups and food safety
Charity and community groups that sell food are food businesses under the South Australia Food Act 2001 and are required to comply with requirements of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.
The definition of sell includes activities such as a sports club selling sausage sizzles or a church group’s annual stall selling donated food. Sell includes requesting a donation for a food or charging for a food as part of a service, such as supper provided at a cabaret.
The following information is provided to assist charity and community groups in understanding how the food legislation applies to these types of organisations.
- Introduction - information kit for charities and community groups (PDF 66KB)
- an introduction to the new food safety standards
- notification
- skills and knowledge
- labelling
- temperature control
- sausage sizzles and barbecues
- preparing and cooking food
- transporting food
- camping
- health and hygiene for food handlers