Reporting form for notifiable diseases as per the South Australian Public Health Act 2011
There are a number of infectious or communicable diseases that must be 'notified' by law to SA Health. These infectious or communicable diseases are commonly referred to as 'notifiable conditions'.
The reporting of notifiable conditions enables SA Health to investigate, monitor and control the spread of these infectious diseases across the South Australian community.
There are around 70 diseases or conditions that must be notified to SA Health. These include:
To see if a disease is notifiable, refer to the Notifiable Conditions list (PDF 62KB).
Doctors and medical laboratories are legally obliged under the South Australian Public Health Act 2011 to 'notify' or 'inform' SA Health about anyone who is either suspected of having, or who is confirmed as having a notifiable condition. This information is dealt with confidentially by SA Health's Communicable Disease Control Branch (CDCB).
Doctors are encouraged to let you know that they will notify SA Health about your notifiable condition, and that as a result, CDCB may be in contact with you.
If you are suspected or confirmed as having a notifiable condition, SA Health requires the following information:
Additional information regarding vaccinations for the notifiable condition, potential sources of the infection or travel histories may also be collected if this information is relevant to the type of notifiable condition.
Yes, for some notifiable conditions, SA Health will contact you.
The purpose of contacting you is usually to attempt to obtain information which may assist with:
SA Health staff cannot access data contained in the notification process unless they are involved in the data collection or investigation process. Also, notification data cannot be released to any persons not involved in data collection and investigation.
All information collected will be treated as private and confidential and notification data with personal details can only be secured by a court order.
You do not have to tell others if you have become infected with a notifiable condition. However your doctor and the CDCB may advise you of exclusion periods from work, school, childcare or group activities. You are asked to observe those recommendations.
Partners of individuals diagnosed with some sexually transmitted infections and blood borne viruses should be tested for infection. Your doctor or Adelaide Sexual Health Centre will provide you with advice on confidential partner notification processes.