PDF 114 KB
Fact sheet on what SA Health is doing regarding challenging behaviour relating to patients, consumers, carers, volunteers and staff
SA Health recognises that patients, carers, volunteers and staff all want health services in which health care can be both delivered and received without personal threat or risk.
Challenging behaviour is any behaviour with the potential to physically or psychologically harm another person, or self, or property. It can range from verbal abuse through to threats or acts of physical violence.
Further information can be found in the fact sheet (PDF 115KB) on how challenging behaviour commonly presents and the causes of this behaviour.
Challenging behaviour can occur anywhere, however it more commonly occurs:
Sometime challenging behaviour can occur when:
SA Health has developed a comprehensive policy framework that includes a Policy Directive, Policy Guideline and Toolkit, which will support health services to focus action on prevention and response to challenging behaviour in a systematic way.
Further information on challenging behaviour can be found, see below: