A systematic approach to improving antimicrobial use, with a view to improving clinical outcomes and minimising adverse events relating to their use
Antimicrobial utilisation reports
The National Antimicrobial Utilisation Surveillance Program (NAUSP) collects data from over 220 major Australian Hospitals and provides reports of key antibiotic usage rates.
In addition to annual reports, NAUSP publishes a number of other six monthly reports on Antimicrobial usage in Australian public and private hospitals. These are available here for download in pdf format.
Portal generated reports
In addition to our six monthly and annual reports contributor hospitals are able to generate their own reports anytime via the Portal. These enable them to compare usage figures to other contributors in their peer group. For details on how to generate reports visit the NAUSP User Guide (PDF 2,026KB).
The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care provides funding for the administration of NAUSP and the analyses of NAUSP data and related reports for the AURA Surveillance System.
Requests for further NAUSP data
If further NAUSP data is required, it may be possible to provide it on special request. Please send an e-mail to Health.NAUSPhelp@sa.gov.au and you will be sent information about the process. Please note that the time it takes to process your request may vary depending on the type of data you request and the necessary approval steps.
Further information
For further information on National Antimicrobial Utilisation Surveillance Program, contact the Program Coordinator.