BPD Co clinical programs

Road Maps - Groups

BPD Co delivers an evidence-informed therapeutic group called Road Maps. This 10-week group for young people (16-18 years) and 12-week group for adults, has been developed by BPD Co, incorporating feedback from group participants.

Road Maps is based on the common factors in effective treatments for BPD, emphasising the connection between vulnerabilities, events, feelings, thoughts and actions. This therapeutic group assists participants to build agency and be active in their own lives, while developing targeted coping strategies to tolerate distress.

The group is available in person for people living in metropolitan Adelaide and online for people living in regional and rural SA. Road Maps - In the Drivers’ Seat, is available in person to adults who have had recent contact with the justice system.

BPD Co is also working with metro Community Mental Health Teams to support local delivery of the Road Maps program. The group is currently available in Northern Adelaide Local Health Network (NALHN). If you live in NALHN area, please contact the Community Mental Health Service on PH: 7485 4300 for more information about the program.

To register: Self-referral to the program’s waitlist is facilitated by calling the duty worker at BPD Co. - Ph: 7425 6500. Please note, wait times depend on the demand for the group program.

Lifeboat Parenting Group

BPD Co, in partnership with Helen Mayo House, are piloting a group for adults with BPD who are parenting young children aged 0-3 years. The program, informed by DBT and MBT principles, is delivered over 10 weekly sessions with childcare provided.

To register: Self-referral to the program’s waitlist is facilitated by calling the duty worker at BPD Co - Ph: 7425 6500. Please note, wait times depend on the demand for the group program.

Peer-led programs

Peer Group Program

This 10-week group for people living with BPD, is delivered by our Lived Experience Project Officer and a clinician. Co-designed by people with lived experience, the group uses perspectives on what has been helpful in people’s journeys of recovery. It focuses on the value of peer support, connection and activities that are hands-on and fun. Both face-to-face groups and online groups are available.

To register: Self-referral to this group waitlist is facilitated by calling the duty worker at BPD Co - Ph: 74256500. Please note, wait times depend on the demand for the group program.

Peer-led activities and information sessions

Our Lived Experience Project Officer, together with one of our clinicians, offers a range of one-off group activities and events for people living with BPD. These are designed to be relaxed, no pressure, fun and informative. All sessions are free. Register for Peer-led activities and information sessions via the Eventbrite.

Introduction to BPD: information session — For people living with BPD who would like to learn about the diagnosis and hear from our Lived Experience Project Officer. (1.5hrs, online).

Webinar Series — Presented by people with lived experience and clinicians, a relevant topic will be selected and presented for group discussion. (1.5 hours, online). 

To register: Check out our Eventbrite collection for Peer-led activities and information sessions.  For information please contact Jess at BPD Co. on 7425 6500.

Carer Peer-led programs

Our carer peer program provides information and support to families, partners and friends of someone living with BPD.  All workshops are free, and open to people supporting someone living in SA. 

Carer Information Sessions

Introduction to BPD – 2-hour online sessions are delivered monthly and aim to increase understanding of BPD, introduce effective communication skills and self-care and provide links to BPD carer supports. Hear from our carer Lived Experience Project Officer and BPD Co clinician.

To register: check out our Eventbrite collection for future dates on Carer information sessions (2 hour)

Carer Peer Group

Supporting Someone Recently Diagnosed with BPD: 4-week group or 1-day workshop.

The Carer Peer Group is delivered online or in person for family, partners, friends supporting someone recently diagnosed or likely to have a diagnosis of BPD. Co-designed by carers, the group addresses what they wish they had known at the beginning of their journey supporting someone living with BPD.

The group will cover:

  1. BPD symptoms, treatments, recovery
  2. Carer role in recovery
  3. The SA mental health system
  4. Self-care & preparing your carer plan

To register: check out our Eventbrite collection for future dates on Carer peer group (4 weeks)

Family Connections™

Family Connections™ is a 12-week group program that meets weekly for two hours to provide education, skills training, and support for people who are in a relationship with someone who has BPD. Focusing on issues that are specific to BPD, it is hosted in a community setting and led by trained group leaders who are either clinicians or family members of relatives with BPD. Groups are available in metro Adelaide and online for people living in regional SA.

To register: for the waitlist and to find out more about Family Connections, visit the NEABPD Australia website.

Services delivered in Local Health Networks Mental Health Services and in partnership with BPD Co

Gold Card SA

Gold Card SA is a 4-session intervention offered to people who have presented in crisis experiencing symptoms characteristic of BPD. Gold Card SA is modelled on a brief intervention developed by Project Air Strategy for Personality Disorders.

Gold Card SA is most commonly accessed via Community Mental Health Services, offering 3 weekly 1-hour sessions for consumers, with a further optional 1-hour session for the consumer’s nominated support person.

BPD Co provides training, supervision and implementation support to Local Health Networks (LHN) and partner agencies to support the delivery of this brief intervention.

Consultation and Complex Care

BPD Co works in partnership with clinicians in local health networks to support the provision of care to people who experience the most severe and complex difficulties associated with BPD. This support may include:

  • Comprehensive assessment or secondary consultation;
  • Multidisciplinary team review;
  • Input into the consumer’s management and care plans;
  • Time-limited individual or group therapy;
  • Supervision of clinicians.

The consultation and complex care pathway is accessed via referral from Local Health Networks (LHNs) to BPD Co. Clinicians are encouraged to discuss prospective referrals with either the BPD Co clinician linked with their LHN or the BPD Co Duty Worker.

Crisis support

For a medical emergency, dial 000 and ask for ambulance.

For support in a mental health crisis, dial 13 14 65.

This service operates 24 hours a day, 7 days and week and is staff by experienced mental health clinicians.

Other telephone helplines for support run by non-government services are:

  • Lifeline - 13 11 14
  • Beyond Blue - 1300 224 636 (24 hours) or chat online (24/7)
  • Suicide call back service - 1300 659 467 or online counselling
  • Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800 or webchat.

For more information on crisis services, please visit the Help in crisis situations web page.

BPD specific services available in SA

Borderline Personality Disorder Support Services in South Australia:
BPDSA provides information, access to resources and has a service directory for consumers, carers and clinicians.

Sanctuary BPD Carers Support Group: Sanctuary offers support by carers, for carers of people with BPD in Adelaide, SA.

Non-government health/mental health support services

Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services

Anglicare SA provides a range of services across SA, including mental health services, consumer and carer support, acorn parent-infant attachment groups and suicide prevention service.

Baptist Care SA provides a range of services across SA, including mental health services and youth specific programs.

Carers SA provides advice and carer support to connect carers with local staff, other carers, groups, events and activities.

Centacare provides programs in a range of sectors including disability, family, youth and children, health and well-being, employment, education and training, homelessness and domestic violence.

COPMI promotes better mental health outcomes for children of parents with a mental illness.

Grow - SA Branch is a community based organisation that assists people recover from mental illness through a program of mutual support and personal development.

headspace centres act as a one-stop-shop for young people who need help with mental health, physical health (including sexual health), alcohol and other drugs or work and study support. Centres are located across SA.

Junction SA provides a range of community services for children, youth, adults and families.

Life without Barriers provides a range of services including mental health support services, children and young people, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander services, refugee and asylum seeker services, disability support services, supporting older people

Mind Australia SA offers a range of specialised psychosocial support services to help you gain better mental health and improve the quality of your life.

Mission Australia SA provides a range of services including mental health, alcohol and other drugs services, Children, youth, families and communities, disability inclusion and support and homelessness and social housing support.

Neami SA is a community mental health service supporting people living with a mental illness to improve their health, live independently and pursue a meaningful life.

Relationships Australia SA provides a range of services, oriented to enable people to bring about difference in their lives and achieve positive change including but not limited to, children and parenting support, collaborative practice, family mental health support services, domestic violence services and family relationship counselling.

SANE's work includes mental health awareness, online peer support and information, stigma reduction, specialist helpline support, research and advocacy.

Shine SA provides sexual health and relationship well-being services including clinics, counselling, education and information.

Skylight offers a range of services for people who experience mental illness and for their family and friends who care for them. Provides support and information, raising awareness and advocacy.

Sonder Provides a range of integrated community health services across metropolitan Adelaide, including mental health counselling and Aboriginal Health programs.

Uniting SA offers support to individuals, families and young people living with a mental illness or mental health concerns, across metropolitan Adelaide and country SA.