There are training courses available to help communities, organisations and individuals prepare for disasters and being ready to respond to the mental health needs of people in the country and metropolitan areas before, during and after a major event or disaster.

Australian Psychological Society Practice Certificate in Disaster Support

Consists of four online courses that focus on various aspects of preparing for disasters and responding to the social and psychological needs of persons and communities affected by disasters.

  • Disasters in context
  • Level 1 early intervention
  • Level 2 psychological strategies
  • Ethical and professional issues in disaster response.


Australian Psychological Society

Phone: (03) 8662 3300

Trauma Informed Care Training

The training is based on a strengths-based framework that is responsive to the impact of trauma, emphasising physical, psychological and emotional safety for both consumers and clinicians.

The training covers:

  • What is complex trauma?
  • The impact of trauma
  • The principles of trauma informed care
  • Applying trauma informed care in practice


Office of the Chief Psychiatrist
Telephone: (08) 8226 1091

Connecting with People

This training aims to increase empathy, reduce stigma and enhance people’s ability to respond compassionately when supporting someone who has suicidal thoughts or following self-harm.


Office of the Chief Psychiatrist
Telephone: (08) 8226 1091

MHPOD Online Training Modules

MHPOD is an evidence-based online learning resource for people working in mental health. A number of modules relating to recovery, trauma informed care, and social wellbeing are available.




EmergoTrain is a real-time educational tool for training and testing preparedness for disasters including mass casualty scenarios and psychosocial impacts.


For further information contact the SA Health Emergency Management Unit

Phone: (08) 7425 7065