FMC extends care to COVID-19 positive maternity patients
18 January 2022
(Southern Health News, December 2021)
Flinders Medical Centre (FMC) has been designated the dedicated hospital to provide care to COVID-19 positive maternity patients across the state. The move is part of the state-wide response to the global COVID-19 pandemic.
Women birthing at FMC can be reassured that the hospital has dedicated pathways to ensure non-COVID-19 patients remain safe, with COVID-19 patients remaining separate at all times to minimise the risk of COVID-19 exposure to others.
“Both non-COVID-19 and COVD-19 pregnant women will receive safe, high-quality and respectful care at FMC at all times,” said SALHN Interim Chief Executive Officer, Wayne Gadd.
“If you are currently receiving antenatal care or planning to birth at FMC, please be reassured that it is safe to do so.
“Your healthcare team will continue to keep you informed throughout your pregnancy care journey with us.”