Patients’ rights and privacy

Your privacy

SA Medical Imaging (SAMI) is committed to protecting and respecting patients’ privacy. All information is securely stored on patient information systems. Patient information and results will only be released to people that are authorised to view it, for example the referring doctor and the radiology staff looking after the patient whilst in the radiology department.

Your rights and responsibilities

Patients have the right to be well informed about their X-ray, scan or procedure prior to their examination and are responsible for the decisions made about their own health care. At SAMI we help patients to make informed decisions and assist with any concerns.

SAMI is committed to ensuring the rights of patients and consumers. For more information refer to the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights. The charter allows patients, consumers, families, carers and health care services to share an understanding of the rights of people receiving health care. Your Rights and Responsibilities is the charter for consumers of the SA health system.

Informed consent

Before a doctor, nurse or any health care practitioner can examine or treat you, they usually need your consent or permission. This could simply mean following their suggestions, such as the doctor asking you if they can take your blood pressure and you position your arm so they can do the task. Sometimes, depending on the seriousness of the proposed treatment or procedure or if it involves an anaesthetic they will ask you to sign a consent form. If you later change your mind, you can withdraw that consent, even if you have signed a form.

It is important that you have sufficient information so that you understand and make an appropriate decision about that proposed treatment or procedure. The consent forms and patient information sheets provide information such as what the procedure and the anaesthetic involves, what to expect before and after the procedure or treatment, the risks and benefits and any alternative options that maybe available to you. Providing this information assists you to become more actively involved in your own health care decision making.

Always discuss your treatment or procedure with your doctor, nurse or health care practitioner.