Vaccines available through the School Immunisation Program
Students in Year 7 and 10 can get free vaccines to protect them from diseases through the School Immunisation Program.
Year 7 vaccines
In 2024, students in Year 7 can receive vaccines to protect them against:
Download information about the diseases and vaccines: Year 7 vaccine fact sheet (PDF 662KB).
Why are these vaccines given in Year 7?
Human papillomavirus is a common sexually transmitted virus that can affect everyone.
The (HPV) vaccine is most effective if given between ages 10 to 13, before any exposure.
Children should have received several doses of a diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough vaccine as a child. A booster dose of the vaccine is recommended in Year 7 to maintain protection against these diseases.
Year 10 vaccines
In 2024, students in Year 10 can receive vaccines to protect them against:
Download information about the diseases and vaccines: Year 10 vaccine fact sheet (PDF 97KB).
Why are these vaccines given in Year 10?
Meningococcal vaccines are recommended for students in high school, between ages 14 to 16, due to their increased risk of meningococcal disease.
Kissing, being a smoker, and attending large gatherings such as parties, concerts and other crowded events increases the risk of young adults being exposed to meningococcal disease.
School Immunisation Program coverage rates
For more information on the yearly coverage rates of each vaccine part of the School Immunisation Program, see South Australian immunisation coverage rates.
Further information
For further information on the School Immunisation Program contact your GP or immunisation provider.