Health facility licensing
In South Australia, private hospitals and private day procedure centres are licensed under the Health Care Act 2008 (the Act) and associated Health Care Regulations 2023.
Private hospitals are defined in the Act as being “an entity (whether corporate or unincorporated and including a partnership or other structure) by which health services are provided, being health services that include services provided to persons on a live-in basis”.
Institutions conducted by or on behalf of the State, including public hospitals and nursing homes, and premises licensed under the Supported Residential Facilities Act 1992 are not included in the definition of private hospital under the Act.
Private day procedure centres provide prescribed health services to patients who are admitted and discharged on the same day.
For more information including whether your premises require a private hospital or private day procedure centre licence, please contact CRPL, and their authorised officers will respond to your query.
(08) 8226 7100