Immunisation provider training and education

Health professionals providing immunisations are required to be well informed about the vaccines they are administering, the mode of action, the risks and benefits of receiving the vaccines, the limitations, and the risks and complications of the diseases the vaccines aim to prevent.

Any immunisation education program that has been approved by another State or Territory Health Department for authorisation of registered health practitioners, is recognised as an approved education program by SA Health for registered nurse immunisers.

What immunisation education programs are approved?

To find out which immunisation education programs are approved for registered nurses, midwives and Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander health practitioners (ATSIHPs) working under the Vaccine Administration Code, see: Approved Immunisation Education Programs in South Australia (PDF 249KB).

The following SA Health education will assist health professionals providing an immunisation service with the education to support them in attaining and maintaining the level of knowledge, skills and professionalism required to deliver a safe immunisation service.

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Immunisation Program

The Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Immunisation Program is a short course that aims provide health professionals an overview of the disease, its complications, and will provide individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to competently deliver the 2025 National RSV Maternal and Infant Protection Program.

COVID-19 Vaccination Training Program

To ensure the workforce is competent in the safe management and administration of COVID-19 vaccines, health practitioners are highly recommended to undertake specific training to work within their scope of practice.

From 1 October 2023, the Department of Health and Aged Care ceased producing new COVID-19 Vaccine Training Modules and the COVID-19 Vaccination Training Program learning platform closed.

SA Health has produced and published a replacement COVID-19 Immunisation Education Program. Any new health practitioner undertaking the COVID-19 Vaccination Program from the 1 October 2023 are recommended to complete this program as an approved program of study if they are working under the authority of the Vaccine Administration Code.

Understanding Vaccines and the National Immunisation Program (HESA accredited)

Understanding Vaccines and the National Immunisation Program is an education program on understanding immunology and immunisation designed to assist health professionals to become confident and competent immunisers.

The course is a recognised program of study leading to approved health practitioners immunising without a medical order in all States and Territories of Australia.

This program is based on the National Immunisation Education Framework for Health Professionals and has been accredited by Health Education Services Australia (HESA) a subsidiary of the ANMAC. State and Territory legislation governs whether this certificate allows the health professional to immunise independent of a medical order.

Understanding Vaccines for Midwives-Vaccination requirements during pregnancy and early childhood

Understanding Vaccines for Midwives - Vaccination requirements during pregnancy and early childhood is an introduction to immunisation and key vaccines, topics relevant to midwives, and aims to equip midwives with knowledge and skills to feel confident to engage with parents on the topic of vaccines and vaccination.

Understanding vaccines and adult vaccination requirements for workplace programs

Understanding vaccines and adult vaccination requirements for workplace programs has been designed to provide health professionals with knowledge and skills to competently deliver high quality and safe immunisation services to adults. This program introduces the learner to comprehensive information on the theoretical and practical components of immunisation and guides them to utilise the relevant resources that support best practice when delivering an immunisation service.

Vaccinology Update conference

The SA Vaccinology Update conference is a partnership between the Robinson Research Institute, SA Health, South Australian Medical Health and Research Institute (SAHMRI) and the Women's and Children's Health Network (WCHN).

The annual SA Vaccinology Update conference focuses on:

  • important immunisation issues
  • the latest research
  • policy updates and initiatives related to immunisation.

More information is available from the Robinson Research Institute.

Yellow fever

The Department of Health has developed the National Guidelines for Yellow Fever Vaccination Centres and Providers. A practitioner seeking to prescribe the yellow fever vaccine at a Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre is required to successfully complete the online Yellow Fever Vaccination Course and obtain a completion certificate.