Elective Surgery Waiting List data domain
The Elective Surgery Waiting List (ESWL) was previously known as the Elective Surgery Booking List (BLIS).
The ESWL is a data domain that includes essential details about people who have been assessed as needing elective surgery by a medical clinician but for whom admission can be delayed for at least 24 hours. These patients are managed via a public hospital waiting list system. Patients are clinically assessed using a national classification system based on the level of need. The three categories are:
Category 1: Procedures that are clinically indicated within 30 days
Category 2: Procedures that are clinically indicated within 90 days
Category 3: Procedures that are clinically indicated within 365 days
ESWL information allows SA Health to assess the effectiveness of waiting times for elective surgery, support elective surgery strategies, inform the community and service providers about waiting times for elective surgery, assist in the management of patient waiting lists and meet national reporting obligations.
ESWL Reference Manual
- Data Elements (PDF 521KB) - Updated 15 February 2023
- Data Quality Checks (PDF 389KB) - Effective 1 July 2019
A number of resources for the ESWL data domain are also available.
If you have queries regarding ESWL:
Telephone: (08) 8226 7355 - ESWL Submissions: General enquiries
Level 6 Citi Centre Building, 11 Hindmarsh Square Adelaide
Postal address: Data Governance & Quality Assurance, Enterprise Data & Information, SA Health, PO Box 287, Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5001