Research grants at NALHN

The Research Office is here to help you with all of your research grant activity including:

  • Helping you to locate possible grants
  • Liaising with any University partners
  • Checking your grant application before you submit it
  • Processing your grant when it’s awarded
  • Reviewing your grant contract
  • Assisting you with lodging and recording your progress reports
  • Closing your project

Grant cover sheet

All grant submissions and awards must be lodged through the Research Secretariat by filling out:

  1. Grant application cover sheet (DOC 297KB)
  2. CEO Endorsement Grant Submission Template (DOC 51KB)

NHMRC Policy on Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Grant application and Peer Review

NHMRC and its peer reviewers are bound by the provisions of the Privacy Act 1988 in its collection and use of personal information, and by the commercial confidentiality requirements under section 80 of the National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992. Peer reviewers are to treat applications in-confidence and must not disclose any matter regarding applications under review. As part of this process, peer reviewers are required to complete a Deed of Confidentiality. Entering confidential application information into generative AI would breach these confidentiality requirements and obligations.

See the NHMRC Policy on Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Grant application and Peer Review.

Useful links to funding sources

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Grants Officer, NALHN Research Office
Phone: (08) 8282 0370
Address: Lyell McEwin Hospital, Level 2 Clinical Trials Unit, Haydown Road, Elizabeth Vale SA 5112