The Limestone Coast Local Health Network (LCLHN) is committed to providing safe and high-quality healthcare that meets your needs, so your feedback is important to us.
The LCLHN encompasses hospitals and health services provided in Bordertown, Keith, Kingston, Lucindale, Millicent, Mount Gambier, Naracoorte and Penola.
We want to hear from you
If you have a suggestion, compliment or complaint about a service at any of our sites, you can:
Speak to a staff member
In the first instance, we encourage you to share your feedback with a staff member in the area involved. If you are unhappy with the response provided or do not feel comfortable talking about it with them, you can also:
Complete our feedback form
You can submit an online feedback form.
We offer separate patient experience surveys for each hospital site.
You can also get in touch with the relevant site or area directly via the contact details below.
Consumers have a right to complain free from reprisal, and to have complaints dealt with fairly and promptly.
Address: 276-300 Wehl Street North, Mount Gambier
Postal Address: PO Box 267 Mount Gambier SA 5290
Phone: (08) 8721 1200
Community Update newsletter
Complete this form to subscribe to the quarterly Limestone Coast Local Health Network Community Update. Publication dates: October, January, April and July.
Site contact details
Country Health Connect (CHC)
Phone: (08) 8721 1320
Postal Address: PO Box 267, Mount Gambier SA 5290
- Kingston CHC consumer experience survey
- Penola CHC consumer experience survey
- CHC consumer experience survey
Bordertown Memorial Hospital
Phone: (08) 8752 9000
Postal address: PO Box 196, Bordertown SA 5268
Bordertown Hospital consumer experience survey
Keith and District Healthcare
Phone: (08) 8755 1766
Postal address : PO Box 252, Keith SA 5237
Kingston Soldiers Memorial Hospital
(08) 8767 0222
Postal address: Young Street, Kingston SE SA 5275
Kingston Hospital consumer experience survey
Mount Gambier and Districts Health Service (MGDHS)
Phone: (08) 8721 1200
Postal address: PO Box 267, Mount Gambier SA 5290
MGDHS consumer experience survey
Millicent and District Hospital and Health Service (MDHHS)
Phone: (08) 8733 0100
Postal address: PO Box 93, Millicent SA 5280
Millicent Hospital consumer experience survey
Naracoorte Health Service
Phone: (08) 8762 8100
Postal address: PO Box 366, Naracoorte SA 5271
Naracoorte Hospital consumer experience survey
Penola War Memorial Hospital
Phone: (08) 8737 2311
Postal address: 18 Church St, Penola SA 5277
Penola Hospital consumer experience survey
What to expect
Your feedback will be treated confidentially and with respect. It will be passed on to the appropriate person and we will respond quickly and sensitively. We will work with you to find the best way to respond to your feedback.
To make sure you receive the best possible care, we often need to gather and keep sensitive and private information about you.
Everyone who works for LCLHN must keep your information private under federal law. Staff and volunteers must follow SA Health’s privacy guidelines available at Privacy | SA Health
Your feedback will not become part of your medical records.
If you are unhappy with our response
On rare occasions when issues or concerns cannot be resolved by LCLHN, you can contact the following independent services which can provide support and guidance.
The Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner
Phone: 1800 232 007
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
Phone: 1800 951 822