SA Health Clinical Governance Framework
The purpose of the SA Health Clinical Governance Framework (PDF 3MB) is to outline how the Department for Health and Wellbeing, all Local Health Networks (LHNs) and SA Ambulance Service (SAAS) commit to work together to:
- Deliver Government priorities and work in the best interest of the community and consumers accessing public sector health services.
- Commit to understanding each other’s roles and respective vale each entity brings to health outcomes for South Australia.
- Operate in the context of system management and local decision-making that respects the roles and responsibilities of the Department, the LHNs and SAAS.
- Set the positive cultural tone for the relationship between the Department, the LHNs and SAAS.
- Recognise the complex and evolving responsibilities and relationships as the health system continues to improve.
The SA Health Clinical Governance Framework supports the commitment of the South Australian Government to achieve the vision statement set out in the South Australian Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2020 - 2025.