Mount Barker District Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital surgical services and specialists

The list of specialists who provide surgical services at Mount Barker District Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital is provided to assist GPs and members of the community with information about each specialist, including an indication of procedures performed, referral information, and the location of their consulting rooms.

The information listed has been provided by each specialist.

Information about surgeons can be found on the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons website ‘Find a Surgeon’ directory. The listing includes surgeons who meet the requirements of the College’s Continuing Professional Development program and have opted to be on the list.

Anaesthetic Assessment

Patients may also need to book and attend an appointment for anaesthetic assessment and if this is the case, a surgeon, specialist or a member of our nursing team will let the patient know. Costs may be involved as appointments will be required within the rooms of a specialist or GP.

A patient’s responses to the pre-anaesthetic screening, which is either completed digitally or via a paper-based form, will also indicate the need for a Pre-Anaesthetic Consult (telephone or face-to-face) and/or additional assessment(s).
