Respiratory infections dashboard

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This update reports on data collected between 00:00 am Sunday to 11:59 pm Saturday for the previous week.

This information is updated on Fridays at approximately 12:00 pm.


New cases reported this week
Cases year to date
Cases in previous year to date
Total cases
Deaths notified in the past week
Total deaths
PCR tests conducted in the past week
Total PCR tests conducted

Annual COVID-19 cases

  • Data reported for the current year and previous 4 years.
  • PCR confirmed testing data only.
  • View a single year or compare selected years by hiding the unrequired data. To hide or show individual data lines, click on the year in the legend underneath the chart.


New cases reported this week
Cases year to date
Cases previous year to date

Annual Flu cases

  • Data reported for the current year and previous 4 years.
  • View a single year or compare selected years by hiding the unrequired data. To hide or show individual data lines, click on the year in the legend underneath the chart.


New cases reported this week
Cases year to date
Cases previous year to date

Annual RSV cases

  • Data reported for the current year and previous 2 years as RSV was only notifiable for part of 2021.
  • View a single year or compare selected years by hiding the unrequired data. To hide or show individual data lines, click on the year in the legend underneath the chart.