Falls prevention fact sheets and posters
Strong muscles and bones fact sheets
Being active, having enough vitamin D and eating the right foods are all important to help us stay healthy, keep our bones and muscles strong and our brain working well. Two fact sheets have been developed to assist you:
- the Strong muscles and bones fact sheet (PDF 244KB) includes general information on why physical activity is important and what sorts of activities are best as well as how you can ensure you are eating a balanced diet
- the Strong and steady fact sheet (PDF 324KB) covers in more detail the benefits of exercise, the different types of beneficial exercises, how you can get started and where you can go for help
Eyesight fact sheets
Eyesight is important for everyone to maintain independence, keep steady and move around safely. See the Eyesight and walking fact sheet (PDF 324KB) for information on:
- simple yet effective tips on how you can help prevent falls caused by vision problems
- how often you should get your eyes checked.
Medicines can affect your balance fact sheet
Manage your medicines to help you stay on your feet. Taking your medicines correctly, when combined with physical activity, will help you to sleep better, stay steady, be independent and enjoy life. See the Medicines and balance fact sheet (PDF 200KB) for information about:
- what you can do if medicines affect your balance
- who you can go to for help.
Dizziness fact sheet
Do you often feel dizzy? Being steady and safe is important for keeping your balance and staying independent. There are many reasons why people feel dizzy. Doctors can work out the causes, and dizziness can be easily treated in many cases. See the Dizziness and balance fact sheet (PDF 175KB) for information on:
- what dizziness is
- what you can do
- where you can go for help, and when to seek urgent medical help.
Comfy feet fact sheet
Over the years everyone’s feet change shape, lose padding underneath and the skin can change. This can affect balance and walking, and lead to pain, slips, trips and falls. See the Comfy feet go a long way fact sheet (PDF 268KB) for information on:
- how you can look after your feet
- tips to picking the best shoes
- common foot problems
- where to go for help.
Plan what you would do if you fall over fact sheet
No one expects to have a fall, but having a plan will help you to be confident and get on with life. If you spend a lot of time alone, it is worth thinking about how to get help in an emergency, how to get up from the floor and what to do after a fall. See the Standing up to falls fact sheet (PDF 285KB) for some ideas around:
- how to prepare yourself for a fall
- what to do if you fall
- things to consider if you cannot get up
- who to tell and what to do after a fall
- where to go to help to avoid you falling again.
Practical ways to stay independent at home fact sheet
Take a fresh look at your house to see if it is helping you to stay independent and active. Do you and your house still suit each other? Sometimes little changes can make a big difference. Sometimes it is better to move to a more suitable house. More than six out of ten slips, trips and falls happen in and around the home. Hazards are easy to overlook but can be easy to fix. Check for home hazards regularly and get them fixed. See the Making your home your haven fact sheet (PDF 383KB) for information on:
- ways you can reduce your risk of falling inside your home
- ways you can reduce your risk of falling outside your home
- where you can go for help.
Keeping safe and independent in hospital fact sheet
Hospitals are unfamiliar places and this can be a challenge when you are also unwell or injured. You might feel dizzy or weaker and less steady than you expect, when you get up. You may be at risk of falling. Staff want to keep you safe and avoid falls, but we need your help. See the Keeping safe and independent in hospital fact sheet (PDF 231KB) for information on:
- what you can do during the hospital stay
- walking around the hospital
- things to be mindful of when getting up and walking around
- tips to avoid dizziness.
New mums and babies fact sheet
New mums and babies are also at risk to falls. See New mums and bub can fall too fact sheet (PDF 105KB) for information on:
- why you are at an increased risks of falling
- things you can do to avoid falling
- keeping your baby safe from falling.
While in hospital, if you or your baby do have a fall it is very important that you let your midwife know.
Don’t fall for it – falls can be prevented booklet
The Don’t fall for it – falls can be prevented booklet (PDF 1310KB) is a guide to preventing falls for older people. It is aimed at older people living in the community and their families and carers. It has information about three aspects of falls prevention:
- fall-proofing yourself - intrinsic falls risk factors and how these can be reduced.
- fall-proofing your surroundings - extrinsic falls risk factors, relating to the environment and how these can be reduced.
- just in case - making a plan to get help if you fall, and how to get yourself or another person up from the floor in the event of a fall.
The booklet is available in languages other than English.
Falls prevention posters in English
- Is your patient at risk of falls? Plan their care with a falls risk assessment (PDF 548KB)
- Falls are preventable. We all have a role to play (PDF 652KB)
- Prevent falls by keeping active and maintain balance (PDF 245KB)
- Tips to prevent falls when in public places (PDF 245KB)
- Everyday tips to stay healthy and prevent falls (PDF 541KB)
- Set yourself up to stay independent at home (PDF 125KB)
- Eyesight and tips to see clearly (PDF 458KB)
- Prevent falls with safe shoes (PDF 254KB)
Some of these posters are available in languages other than English.
Translated checklist
Are you at risk of falling? Falls prevention self-screen checklist
- Greek (PDF 495KB)
- Italian (PDF 344KB)
- Macedonian (PDF 334KB)
- Polish (PDF 430KB)
- Serbian (PDF 395KB)
- Spanish (PDF 466KB)
- Turkish (PDF 387KB)
- Vietnamese (PDF 310KB)
Translated posters
- Everyday tips to stay healthy and prevent falls (PDF 258KB)
- Prevent falls with safe shoes (PDF 67KB)
- See clearly to prevent falls (PDF 337KB)
- Everyday tips to stay healthy and prevent falls (PDF 223KB)
- Prevent falls with safe shoes (PDF 376KB)
- See clearly to prevent falls (PDF 341KB)
- Everyday tips to stay healthy and prevent falls (PDF 274KB)
- See clearly to prevent falls (PDF 340KB)
- Everyday tips to stay healthy and prevent falls (PDF 290KB)
- See clearly to prevent falls (PDF 344KB)
Clinical Governance Unit
Email: Health.DHWClinicalGovernanceEnquiries@sa.gov.au