Respectful behaviour (including management of bullying and harassment) Policy

Version 1.0 approved 13 December 2021

SA Health is committed to establishing and maintaining a positive, professional and safe work environment, where all SA Health employees, non-employee workers and consumers are valued, and workforce wellbeing, productivity and quality patient care are fostered. The Respectful behaviour (including management of bullying and harassment) Policy (PDF 280KB) supports the SA Health Cultural Evolution Pathways (which focusses on building a culture of  ntegrity and safety) and the Work Health Safety Act 2012 (SA). It intends to:

  • promote a respectful, positive and safe workplace behaviour;
  • prevent harm resulting from unacceptable behaviours such as bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination, victimisation and other disrespectful interactions; and
  • ensure appropriate action is taken where such behaviours occur.

Bullying, harassment, discrimination, sexual harassment and victimisation have the potential for detrimental physical and psychological impacts on workers and others in the workplace. SA Health has zero tolerance for such behaviours.

These behaviours are also inconsistent with the Code of Ethics for the South Australian Public Sector (the Code). The Code requires that public sector employees behave in a professional and courteous manner at all time; and report behaviour that violates any law, is a danger to public health or safety or to the environment, or amounts to misconduct.

Compliance with this Policy is mandatory. Failure to comply with this Policy may constitute grounds for disciplinary action, including termination of employment.

The SA Health Addressing disrespectful behaviours (including bullying and harassment) Guideline supplements this Policy.


This Policy applies to all employees of SA Health and Attached Offices including, the Department for Health and Wellbeing; Local Health Networks (including state-wide services aligned with those Networks1); the SA Ambulance Service.

The requirements of this Policy must be made applicable to non-employee workers in SA Health workplaces through their contracts for services or through the terms and conditions of their licencing agreements authorising their work in SA Health.


1   Statewide services’ includes Statewide Clinical Support Services, Prison Health, SA Dental Service, BreastScreen SA and any other state-wide services that fall under the governance of the Local Health Networks.