Legal and Corporate Governance Policy Domain

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All SA Health policies that are overdue for review remain in force and continue to be applicable until they are rescinded or updated, irrespective of their scheduled review date.


The Legal and Corporate Governance Domain encompasses the areas of policy governance, corporate governance, privacy, corporate records management, and legal arrangements.


The purpose of this Domain is to:

  • Ensure awareness of SA Health’s legal and corporate governance requirements, and how to access advice, expertise and services to support understanding and application of these requirements.
  • Ensure a consistent and system-wide approach to the provision of relevant legal and corporate governance information, advice, expertise, and services across SA Health.
  • Ensure provision of high quality and timely advice and support across SA Health in relation to legal and corporate governance matters.
  • Assist in minimising SA Health’s legal risk, and ensuring compliance with corporate governance, legislative and policy requirements.


  • We facilitate legislative and policy compliance through the provision of clear, targeted and timely information and advice about legal and corporate governance requirements.
  • We provide a consistent system-wide approach to managing legal and corporate governance matters.
  • We reduce exposure to risk by clearly setting out the legal and corporate governance requirements that underpin SA Health’s operations, and associated roles and responsibilities.


Executive Director Corporate Affairs

