Your right to information, to decide about your care, to consent to treatment, to receive appropriate care and for confidentiality.
Booleroo Medical Centre
Contact details
For all emergencies phone 000
Opening hours
Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4:30pm
Appointments are available by phoning reception during office hours.
Fees and Billing
Children under 16, Health-care and Pension Card Holders are bulk billed.
Non-concession - $35 gap for all Medicare Rebate Consults.
Medical reports, Heavy Vehicle License and other non-rebate Medicare consultations – fees available on request.
After hours and emergency care
After hours and emergency care is available through the Booleroo Centre District Hospital. Please call (08) 8667 2211 if you require urgent after hours medical treatment, or phone 000 for an ambulance.
Non-urgent after hours medical advice is available from Healthdirect Australia helpline: 1800 022 222.
This Hospital is supported by private pharmacy services, fees may be incurred for pharmacy medications. The account will come direct from Booleroo Pharmacy. Please contact this service for more information.
- COVID-19 testing
- a map/list showing where you can get tested
- SA Health information on COVID-19
COVID-19 Vaccinations
Moderna pre-filled syringe is available from our accredited practice nurse or doctors.
Consumer feedback
We value feedback from patients and take your concerns, suggestions and complaints seriously.
Country Health SA consumer feedback forms are available in the waiting room or on request.
Complaints can also be made through the Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner.