Services at Quorn Health Service

The following services are available:

Accident and emergency

A registered nurse offers assessment and treatment with an on-call doctor available.

Allied health services

Visiting allied health service providers include a:

  • dietician
  • occupational therapist
  • physiotherapist
  • podiatrist
  • speech pathologist
  • social worker
  • community midwife
  • primary health care nurse.

Medical and surgical hospital services

The hospital provides:

  • acute care
  • general medical
  • obstetrics
  • palliative care
  • surgical care
  • theatre.

Residential aged care

Telephone: (08) 8648 7888

There is residential aged care facilities both high and low level are for people requiring respite.  Services include:

  • accommodation for couples (limited)
  • dietetic advice
  • hairdressing
  • massage
  • occupational therapy
  • palliative care
  • pharmacy delivery
  • podiatry
  • recreational activities
  • religious services
  • speech pathology.

Community Home Support Program

Telephone: (08) 8648 7801

Home services are provided Monday to Friday to enable clients to remain independent in their own home with support as required. Services may include:

  • cleaning
  • home maintenance services (including limited gardening services)
  • personal care
  • respite care (limited)
  • social support
  • transport assistance for shopping or medical appointments.

Eligibility criteria must be met to access services.