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Flinders and Upper North LHN Visiting Guidelines Fact Sheet
The Flinders and Upper North Local Health Network provides care for around 45,000 people living north from the Spencer Gulf to the Northern Territory, including the communities of Hawker, Leigh Creek, Port Augusta, Roxby Downs, Quorn and Whyalla. The Flinders and Upper North Local Health Network is one of ten Local Health Networks including six across country South Australia. The LHN covers an area of 540,190 square kilometres. The Flinders and Upper North Local Health Network is incorporated under the South Australian Health Care Act 2008 and has a Governing Board which reports to the Minister for Health and Wellbeing.
The Flinders and Upper North Local Health Network has released Stage One of its Service Plan 2020 . Stage One of the Service Plan covers Port Augusta and Whyalla Health Services with future plans covering other locations within FUNLHN and linkages between them.
The Flinders and Upper North Local Health Network provides a range of public acute, sub-acute, residential aged care, multi-purpose health services, community, and mental health services throughout the region. The Health Network includes:
The Hawker Memorial Hospital provides multi-purpose services ranging from in-hospital care for adults and children and aged care. A range of allied health services are provided by visiting practitioners.
The Leigh Creek Health Service Clinic is part of the Flinders and Upper North Local Health Network. The service is supported by a weekly visiting GP service, pharmacy service, 24/7 remote medical support and a range of visiting community-based services.
The Port Augusta Hospital and Regional Health Service provides acute services ranging from in-hospital care for adults and children by medical officers including outpatients. Our staff work in close partnership with community health services and Aboriginal health providers to ensure that optimum care is delivered to all areas of the community. We also provide specific facilities and staff for Aboriginal patients.
Clinicians at Port Augusta Hospital and Regional Health Service use the EMR (electronic medical records) to document all aspects of patient care. EMR is used in South Australia is called Sunrise EMR & PAS (patient administration system). It is a state-based electronic medical record that replaces the need for paper-based documentation and provides a consistent and complete electronic medical record for patients across SA Health hospitals and health services where it has been activated.
The Community Health (Country Health Connect) of Flinders and Upper North Local Health Network is comprised of multidisciplinary teams providing a comprehensive range of community and hospital-based health services. Our professional staff have a range of skills to support individuals and the community to manage and improve their health.
A regional community and allied health services is provided, with outreach services to the wider LHN.
Quorn Health Service provide general medical and surgical care as well as, theatre and a range of Allied Health services and is part of the Flinders and Upper North Local Health Network. Quorn is also part of the Flinders Ranges Multipurpose Service providing aged care.
Roxby Downs Hospital is part of the Flinders and Upper North Local Health Network. Our health service is situated approximately 250kms north of Port Augusta. We have an accident and emergency service and general medical services as well as regular visits by a range of providers of health services.
Whyalla Hospital and Health Service is part of the Flinders and Upper North Local Health Network. Whyalla provides a wide range of services utilising medical officers, resident specialists, visiting specialists and telemedicine for people in the surrounding areas.
Whyalla Hospital and Health Service has a Regional Cancer Centre, an Integrated Mental Health Inpatient Unit and also provides rehabilitation, orthotics/prosthetics and specialist orthopaedics.
There are community Mental Health teams providing services for people aged 16 and over. Some services are provided from Whyalla, in the Flinders and Upper North region, where there is an Integrated Mental Health Inpatient Unit, bringing together community and hospital-based staff, and a Community Rehabilitation Service. There are also specialist youth mental health clinicians based in the region and access to specialist older persons mental health services.
Services are also delivered using the Distance Consultation and Liaison Service, which includes the Emergency Triage and Liaison Service (ETLS), Older Persons Consultation Liaison Service and Telepsychiatry. The Rural and Remote Inpatient Unit at Glenside, in Adelaide, also provides inpatient services.
The LHN partners with Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations and other contracted agencies to provide a range of health services to Aboriginal communities.
We value feedback from patients and take your concerns, suggestions and complaints seriously. Please use the Consumer Feedback form to provide your feedback.
Address: 71 Hospital Rd, Port Augusta
Postal Address: 71 Hospital Road Port Augusta SA 5700
Phone: (08) 8668 7500
Email: Health.FUNOCEOCorrespondence@sa.gov.au
To access the full list of hospital across all of the regional Local Health Networks, view the services by town name using our A to Z list.