Audiology services in CALHN

Audiology services in Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) are provided at Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH) and The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (TQEH).

The Audiology Departments at RAH and TQEH provide audiological services, using specialised equipment, to individuals over the age of 18 years of age. Services are provided to inpatients and outpatients by appointment.

Note: The Audiologist is only at the TQEH Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons and Friday mornings, all communication best done through RAH.

The Audiologists at the RAH and TQEH assess individuals who are experiencing: 

  • decreased/changed hearing
  • damaged hearing as a result of a medical event, such as head trauma, neurological pathology or ototoxic drug use 
  • significantly distressing tinnitus
  • communication difficulties associated with hearing loss 
  • balance issues and dizziness.

Outpatient referral process

Where consultation is 'same day' urgent, the Audiology Department should be contacted via the RAH switchboard (08) 7074 0000 or by calling the Audiology department on (08) 7074 0734 at RAH. Referrals are triaged on priority.

Preferred method of referral is by fax.

  • RAH Referral  Fax: (08) 7074 6247
  • RAH Referral Hub  Telephone: 1300 153 853

Referral should include:

  • patient details including full name
  • patient date of birth
  • patient contact phone numbers
  • patient Medicare /pension card
  • patient relevant clinical history
  • referrer's name and contact details

Outpatient appointment locations

Royal Adelaide Hospital

Level 3F.1 
Royal Adelaide Hospital, 
Port Road, Adelaide SA 5000

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Ground floor area 3
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital
28 Woodville Road, Woodville SA 5011

Behind-the-ear hearing aids donations 

“Donations of good quality, modern, behind-the-ear hearing aids are always welcome. Low income Health Care Card holders can access low cost or second hand hearing aids through the Audiology Department with the assistance of the Da Costa Benevolent Fund. For further information, contact the Audiology Department on (08) 7074 0734”.


Manger of Audiology
Kate Hobart

Telephone (Audiology direct): (08) 7074 0734