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A map of Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre showing pick up points
People are referred to Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre when rehabilitation treatment is likely to enhance their recovery and they are physically capable of participating in the programs.
For more information, visit the referrals and admissions page.
The Department of Geriatric and Rehabilitation Medicine provides inpatient therapy for people with a variety of medical illnesses, placing special emphasis on neurological disorders, particularly strokes.
The Orthopaedic, Amputee & Burns Rehabilitation Unit is a 25 bed unit providing inpatient rehabilitation for clients following limb amputation, burns, and orthopaedic surgery and/or trauma, with 70% of these clients falling into the older age group.
Specialist Rehabilitation Services are provided with Ambulatory Care:
For more information, visit Ambulatory Care Services and Outreach Programs.
The South Australian Spinal Cord Injury Service (SASCIS) and Brain Injury Services (BIRU and BIRCH) have moved from Hampstead Rehabilitation to the Repat Health Precinct, as part of our statewide services.
Go to Statewide Rehabilitation Services to see more about their services and updated location details