PDF 1.81 MB
The Home Oxygen Therapy booklet is a resource for SA Health patients who have been assessed by a respiratory or sleep specialist.
The Home Oxygen Therapy Patient Information booklet (PDF 845KB) contains important information about a range of topics for people assessed as eligible to use home oxygen, including concessions and payments available through state and federal government programs.
A rebate is available to eligible South Australians to help with the electricity costs of running an oxygen concentrator at home.
If you are a pensioner or hold a health care card, and receive state-funded home oxygen therapy, contact your respiratory / community nurse or specialist respiratory clinic for more information about the rebate and how to apply.
The South Australian Government provides a range of concessions and programs to eligible South Australians that can help with cost-of-living pressures.
For a full list of concessions programs, visit: SA.GOV.AU - Concessions
Support services through Concessions SA can be accessed by contacting:
Concessions SA Hotline: 1800 307
758 (available Monday to Friday, 9.00 am – 5.00 pm)
Mail: GPO Box 292, Adelaide SA 5001
Email: concessions@sa.gov.au
For information about health services for the veteran community, including payments for home oxygen therapy, visit www.dva.gov.au or call 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372) .
You can also talk to your respiratory nurse / community nurse or contact your specialist respiratory clinic for information and help with DVA funding applications.
For information about the Essential Medical Equipment Payment and other federal government payments and services visit www.servicesaustralia.gov.au.
Some private health insurers provide subsidies for oxygen equipment. Contact your private health insurance provider for more information.