
The aim of immunisation is to prevent people from acquiring vaccine preventable diseases by achieving high vaccination rates in the community, through state and national immunisation programs.

Before any vaccine can be used in Australia it must be licensed by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). The TGA uses scientific evidence on each vaccine to assess safety and effectiveness.

Other vaccines may be recommended if you are travelling overseas or work in an occupation where there is an increased risk of contracting a disease.

To receive a vaccine, see the Immunisation services page for a list of organisations that can assist you.

For information on why we immunise and what you need to know before you are immunised see the Australian Government's About Immunisation page.

For more information on vaccines under the National Immunisation Program see:

For more information on the COVID-19 Vaccination program see:

For information on vaccines funded by the state government see:

Vaccines from birth to adulthood

The vaccines available on the immunisation schedule in Australia start at birth when all children are offered a hepatitis B immunisation. Protect your baby: Why your infant needs protection against hepatitis B (PDF 784KB) provides valuable information for parents on why this immunisation is recommended.

The National Immunisation Program Schedule (PDF 84KB) outlines when the recommended immunisations are due from birth through to adulthood. It is important for children to complete the full recommended course of vaccinations at the recommended times. Not receiving the full course of vaccinations can leave a child unprotected and at risk of disease.

Vaccines for adolescents to adults

Immunisation is not only important for children, but adolescents and adults too. The School Immunisation Program provides recommended vaccines for South Australian students in Years 7 and 10.

Immunisations recommended for adults may relate to age, Aboriginal status, occupation, previous injury or illness, vaccination history, plans to travel or plans to start a family.

Some of these vaccines are available free for certain individuals through the National Immunisation Program schedule (PDF 84KB), for example the flu and shingles vaccines for individuals 65 years and over, and pneumococcal vaccine for individuals 70 years of age and over. Immunisation providers may charge a service or consultation fee to administer these free vaccines. Other recommended vaccines that are not free under Commonwealth or State funded programs, will require a prescription from your doctor, or may be available from some pharmacies.

Catch-up vaccines

Catch-up schedules are required for individuals who have missed or delayed vaccines and may be necessary for child care and school enrolment, and are currently used to determine eligibility for some family assistance payments. A catch-up schedule is planned by health professionals based on age, vaccination history, current recommendations and risk factors. For further information speak to your immunisation provider.

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