Care and cultural understanding from an Aboriginal nurse or midwife allows patients to feel safe and advocated for when away from family and community.

SA Health is committed to increasing the Aboriginal nursing and midwifery workforce across the public sector in both clinical and non-clinical roles.

Aboriginal people considering a career in nursing and midwifery are strongly encouraged to investigate the education pathways and career options on offer.


Regional Enrolled Nursing Cadetship Program

SA Health offers a regional Enrolled Nursing Cadetship Program which provides paid employment and training opportunity for people seeking to become Enrolled Nurses.

The key focus of the program is to:

  • Strengthen primary health care
  • Enhance hospital care
  • Reform mental health care
  • Improve the health of Aboriginal people.

Peoples from Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background are also encouraged to apply to the rolling recruitment of the Regional Assistant in Nursing Enrolled Nurse Cadetship Program.

Lyell McEwin Hospital Aboriginal Nursing Cadetship Program

The Lyell McEwin Hospital in northern Adelaide has an established Aboriginal Nursing Cadetship Program. The program provides assistance to persons of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background to undertake a:

  • Diploma of Enrolled Nursing;
  • Bachelor of Nursing; or
  • Bachelor of Midwifery.


Aboriginal Health Scholarship program

The Department for Health and Wellbeing offers the Aboriginal Health Scholarship program in partnership with Australian Rotary Health.

The program aims to increase the number of professionally qualified Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people working in the South Australian health sector.

The scholarship program provides up to $5,000 per year for full time study ($2,500 for part-time study) for each recipient.

Other opportunities

SA Health provides RNs and RMs with a range of career-enriching development pathways, including scholarships for:

SA Health also provides professional development opportunities for current and emerging nursing and midwifery leaders through the Nursing and Midwifery Leadership Programs.