Applying for a private health facility licence and fees

A list of documents you must provide for your application can be found in the Application Checklist (PDF 208KB).

A licensing application, accompanied by the prescribed fee, will be assessed in two stages:

Design approval

Building works must not commence before design approval is granted. The application including architectural plans (1:100 scale) is assessed against the Australasian Health Facility Guidelines, which are the constructions standards gazetted by the Minister. Plans will be reviewed by health facility licensing officers for:

  • Flow of patients through the floor plan of the facility service;
  • Flow of equipment and waste from delivery to disposal (‘dirty’ to ‘clean’ spaces);
  • Reprocessing and storage of reusable medical devices;
  • Infection control processes and risks;
  • Emergency evacuation of patients on stretchers through doorways, and
  • Confirmation the building height/width achieve the required clearances for state ambulance vehicles, and there is adequate carpark and stretcher access to premises.

For new applications design approval will not be granted until fit and proper person checks are completed.

Design approval lapses after 1 year (if no building works commence) or 3 years (if building works are incomplete) unless an extension has been requested and approved.

Once design approval has lapsed, a new application must be submitted and fees paid in order to reassess the design against current standards, before approval can be provided.

Approval to use

A list of certifications required at final inspection can be found in the Health Facility Commissioning Checklist (PDF 299KB).

After building works are completed, a site inspection is completed to confirm the facility was constructed according to the approved plans and building class in the Australasian Health Facility Guidelines (AusHFG).

A licence will not be issued until a satisfactory inspection report, completion of any remedial work (to meet AusHFG) and review of commissioning documents e.g. building certification, medical gas testing.

Where the application involves building services with an impact on infection control e.g. water and air handling systems or the commissioning of rooms or equipment with specific testing requirements, a letter of acceptance by a designated infection control professional is also required.

Commonwealth provider numbers

Following the issue of a licence, SA Health will advise this Department of Health that it has no objection to a provider number being issued to the facility under the Commonwealth Private Health Insurance Act 2007.

If a facility wishes to be declared for private health insurance purposes, they must complete the ‘Private Hospital Information Form’ and submit it to the Department of Health. The form and further information about the process can be found at the Australian Government’s Department for Health website.

Review of decisions

Under S87 and S89I of the Act, a decision or order of the Minister made under Part 10 or Part 10A of the Act is reviewable by the Tribunal under S34 of the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2013.

An application for review of a decision or order of the Minister under this Part must be made within 1 month of the making of the decision or order, but the Tribunal may, if it is satisfied that it is just and reasonable in the circumstances to do so, extend that period (whether or not it has already expired).


Private hospitals licensed under Part 10 of the Health Care Act 2008

  • Licence application fee $11,011.00
  • Fee for grant of licence $11,011.00
  • Variation of licence/conditions of licence fee $2,752.00
  • Annual licence fee (1-25 beds) $3,028.00
  • Annual licence fee (26-50 beds) $3,853.00
  • Annual licence fee (51-100 beds) $5,505.00
  • Annual licence fee (101-150 beds) $7,156.00
  • Annual licence fee (151-200 beds) $8,809.00
  • Annual licence fee (>200 beds) $12,112.00
  • Application fee for transfer of licence $2,752.00
  • Application for alteration/extension of premises $3,853.00
  • Application to change services provided $2,752.00
  • Additional inspection of premises fee $2,752.00

Private day procedure centres licensed under Part 10A of the Health Care Act 2008

  • Licence application fee $5,505.00
  • Fee for grant of licence $5,505.00
  • Annual licence fee $1,651.00
  • Application fee for transfer of licence $1,651.00
  • Variation of licence/conditions of licence fee $1,651.00
  • Application for alteration/extension of licenced premises $3,853.00
  • Application to change services provided $1,651.00
  • Additional inspection of premises fee $1,651.00