Perinatal Statewide Consultant Advice Line

South Australian healthcare providers requiring urgent or emergency obstetric and neonatal clinical advice are encouraged to phone the SA Perinatal Advice Line to receive perinatal clinical advice from an Obstetrician or Neonatologist.

SA Perinatal Advice Line telephone 137 827.

Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist in the urgent or emergency care of the perinatal patient.

When to use the service

This service should only be used when it is considered that the patient’s clinical condition warrants urgent advice, retrieval or transfer. General enquiries about perinatal matters should be directed through the usual lines of communication, as outlined in the SA Perinatal Practice Guidelines.

Who can call the advice line

All healthcare providers in South Australia requiring urgent or emergency obstetric and neonatal clinical advice may call the advice line, including:

  • Ambulance officers and paramedics
  • Medical practitioners
  • Nurses and midwives

Process when calling the advice line

The Perinatal Advice and Emergency Transport Perinatal Practice Guideline (PDF 543KB) details the process for healthcare providers calling the advice line.