Supplier information

SA Health Procurement Supply Chain and Finance (PSCF) send out a regular newsletter to suppliers to keep them informed of tenders and upcoming opportunities.

Email us to sign up for our monthly newsletter at


All South Australian Government Tenders and Contracts are listed on the SA Tenders and Contracts website. The site provides access to all publicly available bidding opportunities within the South Australian Government.

You must be registered for alerts on SA Tenders and Contracts to be notified of our latest tenders as they become available.

Forward Procurement Plan and upcoming tenders

DTF’s Procurement Services SA (PSSA) now has an up-to-date, agile website to keep you informed of upcoming tenders.

Visit the South Australian Government Forward Procurement Plan for all South Australian Government tenders.

To filter, search ‘Health and Wellbeing’ in the Public Authority Name column.

If you would like more information on engagement with State Government, access the Engaging with State Government : Procurement Services SA website.

You can also view Advanced Tender notices by visiting the SA Tenders and Contracts website and filtering to view Future Tenders.


Panels are comprised of one or more suppliers who have been selected following a tender process. SA Health draws on suppliers in panels as they are already pre-approved, and this can fast-track the procurement process. Panels are a great way for suppliers to deal directly with all SA Health divisions.

The following panels are open, and suppliers are encouraged to join. 

Healthy Ideas portal

The Healthy Ideas Portal is a platform used by SA Health to run campaigns and challenges, seeking ideas from the broader health sector and industry. Through these healthy idea campaigns, we aim to build engagement and partnership with suppliers on important topics.

Through these healthy idea initiatives, we aim to build engagement and partnership with providers. Go to the Healthy Ideas portal and have your say.

Contact PSCF

PSCF is a large division and a complex one. To help you get in touch with the correct team, please look at what you want to do and the relevant contact email below.

If you’re still unsure, give us a call at (08) 8425 9276 and we can direct you to the correct team.

Ordering PPE contacts


Products, goods, and materials enquires

Email: HealthPSCMMedicalConsumables&

Any doubts regarding the ‘New Medical Product/Consumable/Equipment Submission’ process please refer to the Guideline for Suppliers (PDF 196KB).

Service related procurement enquiries


ICT related procurement enquiries


Purchasing, order information or delivery date confirmation enquiries


Deliveries to our statewide Distribution Centre enquiries


Purchasing Catalogue (Oracle)  enquiries


Supplier relationship management enquiries

enquires can include further information on the annual supplier conference and industry round tables.


Provide feedback as a supplier


Educational event related enquiries

Please refer to:

External support

For other queries regarding procurement, contracts and tenders, here are some external websites you can visit: