Draft Assisted Reproductive Treatment (ART) Regulations


In March 2024, the South Australian Parliament passed the Assisted Reproductive Treatment (Posthumous Use of Material and Donor Conception Register) Amendment Act 2024 (the ART Amendment Act).

Once proclaimed, the Amendment Act will make the South Australian Donor Conception Register (DCR) accessible to donor-conceived people aged 18 years and above, donors, and parents of donor-conceived children where the donor conception treatment was undertaken in South Australia.

New ART Regulations are now required to support the administration of the ART Act and to facilitate the operation of a publicly accessible DCR.


Consultation closes 5:00 pm Sunday 8 September 2024

Proposed changes to the existing ART Regulations include: 

  • who may have access to the DCR
  • the types of information that a person using the DCR may have access to
  • other information that a person may provide for inclusion in the DCR
  • new record keeping requirements for ART clinics and any person in possession of ART records.

The ART Regulations also include requirements relating to ART clinic registration which are also open to review as part of this consultation.

Your feedback will help ensure the things that matter to you are considered in the development of the new ART Regulations.

Visit https://yoursay.sa.gov.au/artregulations  to learn more, have your say, and help inform the development of the new ART Regulations.