Contact details

Millicent and District Hospital and Health ServiceFor all emergencies phone 000

Benson Radiology phone: (08) 8733 0180

Postal address: PO Box 93  Millicent SA 5280

Millicent and District Hospital and Health Service provides the community with access to acute services which includes, but is not limited to:

  • inpatient admissions including paediatric, medical, step down and mental health services
  • Outpatient care, including infusion and transfusion services
  • Surgical services, including day surgery and overnight as required.
  • Surgical specialities offered include general surgery, endoscopy and gastroscopy, gynaecology, urology, oral and maxillofacial, breast and endocrine, dental and minor procedures.

Accident and emergency services

A 24 hour seven day a week Accident and Emergency Department is available. The hospital is supported by Senior Medical Officers who are available 7 days a week.

Millicent and District Hospital and Health Services has access to the specialised video conferencing system, SAVES. This technology provides patients in small country sites with video access to a doctor or specialist in metropolitan Adelaide for overnight clinical support, between the hours of 11pm and 7am seven days a week. The doctor or specialist can then recommend treatment, medication, referral, admission or transfer as required.

All hospitals in the South East work collaboratively to support the patient care needs of the region. Patients may at times require a higher level of care and as such may be required transfer to the larger regional hospital based at Mount Gambier or to a metropolitan health service using MedStar emergency retrieval service or the Rural Flying Doctor Service. This initiative ensures patients in regional areas can get 24/7 access to emergency care.

In a medical emergency call 000 and await ambulance attendance.

When you arrive at the Millicent and District Hospital and Health Service Accident and Emergency service, you will be seen by a nurse to collect information and assess your illness or injury prior to seeing a doctor.

Visiting hours

Visitors play an important part in any patient’s stay. Visitors are encouraged to visit within the following times.

Hospital visitors

11.00 am to 8.00 pm daily

  • All visitors must wear a surgical mask.
  • Visitor numbers are not restricted however, we ask that you continue to comply with physical distancing and room capacity notices.

Please DO NOT visit if you have

  • been a known contact with a person who has a confirmed case of COVID-19 for 7 days from exposure (except for the purposes of obtaining medical care or medical supplies)
  • tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 10 days.

Emergency Department

  • One visitor per patient (exceptions are at the discretion of nursing and midwifery staff, whom permission should first be obtained).
  • All visitors must wear a surgical mask.

Residential Aged Care Facilities

Before entering one of our LCLHN Residential Aged Care Facilities please ensure you that:

  • you have completed hand hygiene practices
  • are wearing a surgical mask
  • you are not a known close contact of COVID-19 in the past 7 days
  • you have not tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 10 days
  • you have not experienced fever, chills, symptoms of an acute respiratory infection such as a cough, sore throat or shortness of breath, or loss of taste and smell in the last 72 hours.


Car parking

There is disabled parking onsite.Parking is available at the front of the hospital through the main entrance off of Salt Street.

Disabled access

Millicent and District Hospital and Health Service has full disability access.

If you have special needs and are unsure, please contact reception who will assist you with your specific enquiry.

Millicent & Districts Hospital and Health Service — Service Plan (2020-2023)

The Millicent & Districts Hospital and Health Service – Service Plan (2020-2023) reflects the overarching future plan for health service provision in the Millicent and surrounding area.

The Service Plan identifies a range of service initiatives aimed to support the provision of safe, quality services closer to home. Specific service priority areas identified within the plan include emergency services, medical inpatient services, surgery and anaesthetics, aged care, allied and community health services and mental health.

The Millicent and District Hospital and Health Service - Service Plan Newsletter December 2021 was recently developed to update the community on how various elements of the Service Plan are progressing.