The Limestone Coast Local Health Network (LCLHN) manages the delivery of public hospital services and other community-based health services as determined by the state government for the Limestone Coast region.

The LCLHN delivers a range of in-hospital, aged care, community, disability, and mental health services to the Limestone Coast community through a number of public hospitals and other health service sites located at:

  • Bordertown
  • Keith
  • Kingston
  • Lucindale
  • Millicent
  • Mount Gambier
  • Naracoorte
  • Penola

The LCLHN became a formal entity on 1 July 2019, having previously been known as the South-East Region of Country Health SA LHN and we are one of six regional LHNs responsible for the delivery of regional public hospital services and residential aged care for SA Health.

Under Country Health Connect, we offer a range of in-home and community-based services to people of all ages, people living with disability, children, older people and carers. We also provide inpatient (hospital) and community mental health services across the region.

We serve a population of over 67,000 people in the Limestone Coast, as well as residents from Western Victoria. We have service agreements with local GPs, Country SA Primary Health Network (PHN), Pangula Mannamurna Aboriginal Corporation Inc, and other community-based groups and health services throughout our region and in neighbouring Western Victoria.

We employ over 1400 people, with more than 46% percent employed in the nursing/midwifery professions and 1.2% identifying as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. We are also supported by a team of approximately 600 hardworking volunteers.

Our health network is led by the Chief Executive Officer and supported by a team of executive staff across the region.

Our Governing Board is responsible for the overall governance and oversight of local service delivery, including governance of performance and budget achievement, clinical governance, safety and quality, risk management, and development of the LCLHN’s engagement strategies.

The inaugural LCLHN Strategic Plan 2021 – 2025 highlights our priorities, as we seek to draw upon the benefits of the localised governance and management of public health care services and the vast opportunities this presents for our region and our community.

The LCLHN strives to become a trusted leader and partner in providing safe, high-quality, progressive and consumer-directed health care and services.