Eyre and Far North Local Health Network - Consumer and community engagement

The Eyre and Far North LHN (EFNLHN) Governing Board has approved the EFNLHN Consumer and Community Engagement Strategy 2020–2023 (PDF 2.25MB).

The Strategy was developed after consultation with local communities, consumers and Health Advisory Councils. EFNLHN values the positive contributions that consumers, carers and local communities make to improve local health services.

Listening to consumers helps to make changes that benefit the local community and tailors services to their needs.

Health Advisory Councils

In regional areas of South Australia HACs ensure that the strong link between communities and their health services are maintained.

There are six Health Advisory Councils in the Eyre and Far North Local Health Network:

For further information about the HACs, visit the Regional Health Advisory Councils page.

Consumer information and orientation

EFNLHN welcomes community and consumer involvement and engagement with our work.

The EFNLHN Consumer Representative/Expert Orientation and Information Booklet (PDF 1.25MB) is available to support anyone who is thinking about becoming involved as a consumer representative/expert or is already involved in this capacity.

Consumer feedback

We welcome your feedback and suggestions to help us improve the services provided for you and your community.

Eyre and Far North LHN Consumer Feedback Form (PDF 1.32MB)