Requisition, Purchase Order and Invoice Management Policy

Version 4.0 approved 27 July 2022

The Requisition, Purchase Order and Invoice Management Policy (PDF 243KB) supports consistent and appropriate practices and controls for the creation and processing of requisitions, purchase orders and payment of invoices relating to the purchase of goods and services.

This policy applies to the use of the Oracle Corporate System (Oracle) and the SA Health Invoice Processing Solution (Basware).


This policy applies to all employees and contracted staff of SA Health; that is all employees and contracted staff of the Department for Health and Wellbeing, Local Health Networks (including state-wide services aligned with those Networks) and SA Ambulance Service.

This Policy excludes the purchase of goods and services using a SA Government Purchase Card.

This Policy excludes non-invoice payments such as employee and non-employee reimbursements or refunds which are form-based approvals. Refer to Shared Services SA (SSSA) Invoice Payments FAQs.